Breakfast day

Friday July 3, 2015

I’m hungry, but I go for breakfast soon, which is good. But other that that, I am kind of blank for topics, other then food. I have been on a noodle soup craze, but it is not filling enough. I like expensive food, but I need to watch my numbers. So, such is life when we have bills to pay. I can just think about the breakfast food now, and soon be a reality.

Always Tired

Thursday July 2, 2015

Back to work, back to routine. But I did get to see a lovely friend who has been away for a month, and catch up a little. But I was sleepy tired, not the best of host. But she understood, because having a day off during the week is mighty confusing. It’s more fun to have a three day weekend, but the Canada Day just does not work that way.

Canada Day

Wednesday July 1, 2015

Happy Canada Day everyone! I saw an odd moment today around the prime streets of Milton. I was taking my sweetie somewhere, which I could not disclose. But I wanted lunch, so we were on our way to Mr. Sub. We were travelling east on Heslop, behind a bus that decided to stop at the four way stop of Heslop and Thomas. Then the bus decided to park, blocking traffic.

End of June

Tuesday June 30, 2015

Mew, its the last day of June, and we’re already into summer. It’s kind of sad for me because I just have too much to do in my daily life, including my projects. Do you have any cool plans for the summer? My pen is happy bleedy at the moment, so although I have this backlog, I still enjoy the pen flowing on the page. Have fun!


Monday June 29, 2015

Happy Monday, I guess, but a sick kitty with acid reflex. I shall survive. Chocolate milk isn’t the best option, but it was something different. It’s good that I don’t get sick this way often.

Eh, that’s life, and it passes on. Otherwise, I’m not enjoying the new HOV lanes on the highways. I look forward for these games to be done.


Sunday June 28, 2015

Eh, I’m a little behind again in the handwriting, but that’s cool. I’m enjoying life, and making progress on the other projects. So what’s new? Not a heck of a lot. But I do enjoy my Tequila Rose. It seems to work well with cream, milk, and some ice. I guess it’s a girlie drink, but too bad, it’s my preference.


Saturday June 27, 2015

Eh, I’m a little tired and hungry at the moment. It’s been a busy and eventful personal week for us. It’s also not my place to tell.

My pen finally depleted which is good for me. My blue pen is nice and mildly bleedy, a great start. Anyways, I have a busy Saturday ahead of me, and I shall enjoy myself with my projects.

Self Boost

Friday June 26, 2015

I am calm, I am at peace, and I am making progress with my notes and my belly is happy from the yummy foods of Bread ’N’ Batter. Also this pen is near completion and that is also exciting. It’s nice to be riding this sugar high as I enjoy my morning. Yesterday I gave myself an ego boast that I am the better person, I am better than the crap of others so Ha!

Pride and Torch

Thursday June 25, 2015

Pride week is such a touchy subject around. I am content with the thought of be yourself, love yourself, in and out. But sometimes that meaning can be lost anyways. I’m kind of negative about the Pan Am Games, and not looking forward to all of that traffic to deal with. I don’t even plan on going to any of the sporting events. But I did see the local torch relay.