Tag Archives: collision

Unsettled Thoughts

Date stamp: Tuesday April 7, 2015

Mew, I’m tired and feeling draggy. I overcompensated yesterday with cleaning and writing, but at the sacrifice of sleep. But that’s ok, I needed to try to something different to catch up in my backlog, and it was successful. Now to pick a topic and run with it. My pen died earlier, so now onto a BIC Round Stic M pen. I’m working with my full size scrap paper, so perhaps this entry will have a little length. But I need to go find my muse to continue on. You don’t wait for the muse to come to you, you go and find that muse. It’s odd how people get that mixed up, looking for the easy way out. Even I wish I could take the days way with my writing, but the story will not write itself. It kind os sucks that way, because I too have my lazy moments. but it frustrates me when people want to write, but don’t put real effort in. Or maybe I’m jealous of the time they have, they waste it away when I don’t have the time for my own.

I’m sorry, I have lost my focus, from thinking about my collision from January. I wish I did not have the memory and experience of it. But the fact is I was luck, it could of been a lot worse. But all in all, I’d rather it not have happened at all. but it did, and so iWork on keeping that experience from controlling my life.

muse, thoughts, memories, collision

Winter blahs

Date Stamp: Friday February 6, 2015

Friday February 6, 2015

Hey, it’s just about the end of the week, and it felt like a long one. I guess that’s the joys of the winter blahs. I’ve heard others say they feel worn down by this winter, snow, and the cold. I’m doing ok, still sorting personal issues. I have reached my one month anniversary of the collision. It sucks that it is the top of my mind everyday. It’s tiring. But that is the way life is.

I’m cheating with scrap paper today, because I can! But this time I decided to format it by drawing lines on here to try to be more organized in this new calendar year. Change and variety is good.

Anyways, I shall get back to my little corner, sit back and watch events go by. Sometimes it is more fun that way. Hope you have a happy Friday.

winter blahs, collision, watch

Collision ripple

Date stamp – Thursday January 22, 2015

Saturday January 24, 2015

Collison’s exist, and today is my two week anniversary of my event. I’m doing well, and that’s what matters. A good friend was in a collision today, had some injuries and I feel for her. She’s such a sweetie, and I know with my help, she will be ok. It’s a part of life and we will move on.

I’m cheating today with a one-sided piece of paper, and to help myself along in my backlog. My red pen died, yay. I’m now using a black BIC Round Stic M pen. It’s ok, has previously been broken in by someone, and it does the job. Variety is good.

Yawn, I can’t wait to get this weekend over with. Sorry, I’m not going to talk about it in this entry.

two week anniversary, collision

The day after

Date Stamp: Friday January 9, 2015

Monday January 12, 2015

Hey, I was in a collision yesterday, and I don’t want to talk about it. I skipped work yesterday to deal with the stress and emotions. Today I went back to work, drove the rental, and was fine. Work was good, but my focus is elsewhere.

Ok, so what can I discuss here? *shrugs* It’s my end of the first week back to work from holidays, and it is quite eventful. Not the kind of start I wanted for the new year. But I am happy to be alive, and my perspective has turned grateful.

I’m currently using a blue Staples 10 pen, and it has a nice bleedyness on the page. That also makes me happy.

I’m dry on topics again, and I really do not want to talk about what happened yesterday. It’s in the top of my mind, I’m dealing with it, and I don’t need the whole world involved in my business. I was fortunate to have no injuries, and I’m ok. Since this has happened, I took a few days break from my note to focus internally, pick myself up again and move on.

Again, mind blank on everything else, almost. At work we are opening a new office in Timiskaming, effective Monday. I guess it’s exciting, but it feels same old as always. Our company has been rapidly growing, several changes, more work coming to corporate.

Ugh, I’m really trying to catch up on this bit of backlog here. I still have about three more entries to do in this sitting. I need to try, keep on moving forward. There is so much to do, so little time. I’m listening to podcasts to keep me entertained, to help pass the time because I am wide awake.
